What we do

As a provider of specialised Support housing our housing management goes above and beyond what a traditional landlord might do. Our services reflect those challenging behaviours and the time and resources that need to be committed to help sustain a tenancy and keep a building in good repair

We have a team of Housing Officers that work with our Care Provider partners and Tenants out in the schemes. This ensures that our management services are available when needed and that a good relationship is built with residents and those working alongside our Tenants to care and support them.

Hilldale HA

As part of the Change group, we receive a range of services from them. These include, Repairs and Asset Management, Finance. Tenant involvement, Systems management, HR and ICT. The close relationship that we have with Change colleagues enables us to ensure that service quality is excellent, and we are all working to the same strategic objectives and targets.

We also provide accommodation solutions for those who are homeless, threatened with homelessness or fleeing domestic violence. We do this in partnership with Quays Housing who are also part of the Change group and a specialist organisation in this area.

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Hilldale HA

What care providers do

Our Tenants need additional Care and support to sustain their tenancy. This is provided through Care Providers who work at our schemes. The needs of Tenants are identified through care assessments that are used by the Local and Health authorities to set out a support package to be provided by the care providers for which they are paid for by the Commissioning authorities. These packages of care are reviewed each year and the quality of the care is assessed through the Care Quality Commision (CQC)

The relationship between Hilldale and the Care Providers is an important one to ensure that the Tenants needs are being met so that they can live in their homes as independently as possible.